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Jonathan Morgan


Jonathan Morgan

New to Spring 2025!

South Weber, UT

Booth 549

New to Spring 2025!

My story has always been about how to best take advantage of the opportunities I’ve been given. Art has always been a part of my life, but until recent years I didn’t realize how integral it could be to my happiness. During college I had come to that fork in the road where I had to make the decision to risk going down the Art path or pursue something more predictable. I grew up in a family of 6 where things were tight. Growing up poor was a huge driver to avoid the path of poverty at all costs. So I chose the path of medicine. That turned out to be a good decision, because later on 2 of my 4 children needed significant support with their special needs. 5 years ago as a gift from my wife I received 4 classes to try sculpting. I instantly fell in love with it. Something clicked that had been missing in my life. I can’t really explain why, but it fulfilled a huge need to express the things I felt. I soon learned that I could connect with others through the stories I gave life to, through my sculpture.

My passion for sculpture lead to a mini crisis, where that’s all I wanted to do. I was so conflicted and truly wanted to know how I could best use my talents to have the biggest impact in the world. Knowing on a daily basis that I could make peoples lives better through helping them heal and love themselves brought immense satisfaction. But at the same time, sculpting brought opportunities to effect people in completely different ways. What I realized was there was a place for all of this. My previous life actually had been a huge catalyst for experiencing different perspectives. The daily interaction had created an understanding of how much we need each other in this world. How there are heroes that walk secretly among us, and stories that need to be told. My children with their amazing special needs had taught me how to look at life differently, to recognize the value of every person regardless of ability or appearance. I gained insights from them as well as with people of all backgrounds and cultures. The human experience is the basis for the stories told by my sculpture. While accolades are nice, I feel that they are a distraction to my overall objective, to connect on a personal level with those who interact with my sculpture. As you experience my sculpture, try to find the meaning behind the physical forms. Feel free to ask questions, as well as share your own stories. Take the time to make an emotional connection that may change the way you feel about the world.

There are two themes to the work I will be sharing at this festival. First, Forces of nature. Sculpture that tells stories about the unconquerable human spirit. Stories that address our ability to overcome struggle and adversity. The second theme is the Ocean Tide series. Sculptures showing ocean themes and mythology. These sculptures are intended to capture the mysterious nature of the ocean, the beauty, and the imagination.

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